Monday 3 January 2011

New Years Hopes And Sweet Sixteens

We start the new year off with hopes of change and new self, unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way. If your like me you will have already broken your new years resolution.
Mine were to stick to my school work deadlines, To become a healthier eater and to blog more.
Today I ate a big plate of chips, I didn't finish my school work ready for going back tomorrow and well I will let myself off on the blog one.
Sometimes I think we make these resolutions to make ourselves feel bad, as if we are trying to change ourselves into these perfect people that we give ourselves false hope into believing we can be.

I forgot to let you know it was my 16th birthday on the 2nd, I had a lovely quite day filled with surprises such as waking up to a room filled with balloons, my new 1000d canon slr camera and a beautiful ring which my boyfriend gave me.
I'm not really one to make a fuss over birthdays but this weekend I plan on going out with some friends for a meal to celebrate before the revision and exams hit us hard.

I promise to blog more this new year, I feel it is the only one of my resolutions that will be kept.
What were your resolutions ? Do you think you will keep them ?


  1. Really lovely images youve chosen, and its true we shouldnt be so hard on ourselves when we're picking new year resolutions! x

  2. Happy Belated Bday! My Bday is on Jan 21st!!!
    Check out my blog

  3. Awesome pics and great blog title!

    check out my blog here!

